I love talking about caregiving ...
<For Companies and Managers>
- How and why it's just good business to support your employees who are also serving as caregivers in their off-work hours
- How to re-purpose existing EAP and other programs to address the needs of this special employee segment
- Implementing global best practices
- Using technology to support employee caregiver needs
- Creating new products and services for caregivers and care receivers
<For Individuals>
- Planning for caregiving before a trigger event occurs
- How to practice self-care and avoid burning out while caregiving
- Relaunching your life when caregiving is done
A very important aspect of our work at Aging Matters International (AMI) is helping corporations to bolster program offerings for employee caregivers. On the surface, it just makes good business sense. But if we delve even just a little bit deeper, it's clear that caring for employees in an all-encompassing manner requires some heart and commitment.
Employee experience has risen as a priority, with health and wellbeing front of mind. Having a caregiver-friendly workplace is becoming a necessity.
Debbie is a TEDx speaker (Your Caregiving Journey - The Opportunity of a Lifetime) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fq98i02kzcM, and has served as a panelist and led workshops related to caregiving in a number of venues, both live and online.
She has spoken about the overall Caregiving Crisis and what companies can do about it at:
- Kyoto, Japan's Ritsumeikan University Aging Conference
- The Consumer Healthcare Training Academy (CHC)
- Global Chamber
- International Academic Forum (IAFOR)
- American Society on Aging (ASA) Conference
She also serves as a co-moderator on two regular Clubhouse rooms related to aging and caregiving, as well as hosting and guesting on a variety of podcasts.